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INCI: Eucalyptus globulus Leaf Oil
CAS: 8000-48-4 / 84625-32-1
EINECS: 283-406-2
Crude eucalyptus globulus essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus globulus species and has a composition rich in cineol. This component imparts decongestant and expectorant properties, proving effective in relieving respiratory congestion and enhancing breathing. Additionally, crude eucalyptus globulus essential oil is known for its antiseptic properties and is used in cleaning and personal care products. Its fresh and mentholated aroma makes it popular in aromatherapy for promoting a sense of clarity and freshness. CAS: 8000-48-4 / 84625-32-1. EINECS: 283-406-2. INCI: Eucalyptus globulus Leaf Oil.
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Raw Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil

Raw Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil is one of the most recognized and widely used essential oils globally, particularly in the health and wellness industry.

Commercially, this oil has established itself as a highly valuable option due to its potent action as a natural decongestant and antiseptic. It is estimated that the demand for natural and organic products is booming, with an annual growth rate of 8% in the essential oil industry.

This makes raw eucalyptus globulus oil, known for its high concentration of eucalyptol (1,8-cineole), an excellent choice for companies seeking effective and natural products.

Commercial Benefits of Raw Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil

From a commercial perspective, Raw Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil offers a range of benefits that make it an indispensable ingredient for many industries. Its ability to act as a respiratory decongestant makes it extremely popular in personal care and pharmaceutical products, such as inhalers, ointments, and syrups.

Additionally, its potent antiseptic action makes it a key component in products designed for disinfection and cleaning, both in homes and clinical settings.

Another aspect that sets it apart is its versatility. This oil can be used in skincare products due to its healing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for treating wounds, burns, and skin conditions such as acne. Moreover, its ability to relieve muscle and joint pain makes it a valuable ingredient in the formulation of massage oils and creams.

Comparison with Similar Products

When compared to other essential oils such as eucalyptus radiata or tea tree oil, Raw Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil stands out for its high eucalyptol content, making it particularly effective in treating respiratory issues.

Unlike eucalyptus radiata oil, which is milder and often used in aromatherapy for children, eucalyptus globulus is more robust and potent, ideal for treatments requiring stronger action.

This oil is ideal for companies seeking a product that is not only effective in decongesting the respiratory system but also offers additional properties such as disinfection and pain relief. Its use in combination with other essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint, can enhance its effects and provide a comprehensive solution for physical and mental well-being.

Composition and Extraction Process

Raw Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil is primarily extracted through a steam distillation process from the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus. This process ensures the preservation of all volatile and therapeutic compounds in the oil, especially eucalyptol, which constitutes approximately 70-85% of its composition. This compound is responsible for most of its therapeutic benefits, including its decongestant and antiseptic actions.

The fact that this oil is raw means it has not undergone refinement processes, preserving its full chemical profile and making it more potent for therapeutic applications.

Additionally, being an organic product, its production respects the environment and ensures that no pesticides or other chemicals are used in its cultivation, making it an ideal option for consumers and companies that value sustainability.

If you are interested in exploring how this essential oil can benefit your business, Royal Bio is available to offer personalized advice and help you integrate this high-quality ingredient into your product offerings.