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INCI: Montmorillonite
CAS: 1318-93-0
EINECS: 215-288-5
La argila verde (montmorillonita) és un compost mineral compost principalment per silicats d'alumini i magnesi. També conté petites quantitats d'altres minerals com ferro, calci i potassi. El seu color verd es deu a la presència d'òxids de ferro. És àmpliament utilitzada en la indústria cosmètica a causa de les seves propietats absorbents i purificants per a la pell. CAS: 1318-93-0. EINECS: 215-288-5. INCI: Montmorillonite.
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Did you know that Montmorillonite Green Clay can absorb impurities from your skin that you didn't even know existed? This natural product is not just a trendy component in the cosmetic industry; it is a multifunctional solution offering incredible benefits across various sectors such as cosmetics, food, and biocontrol.

Properties and Benefits of Montmorillonite Green Clay

Montmorillonite Green Clay stands out due to its rich composition of minerals like aluminum silicates, magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium. This unique compound not only gives it its characteristic green color but also provides a range of benefits that make it indispensable:

  • Deep Purification: Thanks to its absorbent properties, this clay can remove excess sebum and impurities from the skin, making it ideal for facial masks and deep cleansing treatments.
  • Improvement of Skin Texture: By gently exfoliating, it helps remove dead skin cells, promoting smoother and healthier skin.
  • Detoxifying Properties: Acts as a natural detoxifier, drawing out toxins and contaminants, which is essential for maintaining a clean and fresh complexion.

Applications in the Cosmetic Industry

In the cosmetic industry, Montmorillonite Green Clay is valued for its purifying and rejuvenating properties. Its ability to absorb impurities and reduce excess oil makes it a key ingredient in:

  • Facial Masks: Ideal for deeply cleaning pores and revitalizing the skin.
  • Exfoliants: Helps remove dead skin cells, improving the texture and appearance of the skin.
  • Anti-Acne Treatments: Its ability to control excess sebum and clean pores makes it effective against acne.

Uses in the Food Industry and Biocontrol

Beyond cosmetics, Montmorillonite Green Clay has significant applications in other industries:

  • Food Industry: Used in the clarification of oils and liquids, improving the purity and quality of food products.
  • Biocontrol: In agriculture, it serves as an ecological solution to protect crops, acting as a natural barrier against pests without resorting to chemical pesticides.

Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

At Royal Bio, we ensure that our Montmorillonite Green Clay meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability. All our products are certified and comply with international regulations such as INCI, CAS, and EINECS, ensuring not only their effectiveness but also their ethical and environmentally friendly origins.

Incorporating Montmorillonite Green Clay into your product catalog will not only enrich your offerings with a natural and highly effective ingredient but also meet the growing demand for ecological and sustainable solutions. This versatile product can transform both cosmetic products and agricultural applications, offering your customers the best in quality and purity.

For more information on how our Montmorillonite Green Clay can benefit your business, please do not hesitate to contact us. At Royal Bio, we are committed to helping you find innovative and sustainable solutions for your commercial needs.